
Articles & Blogs


The following is a selection of articles
and blog posts about shamanism, about my practice,
and about my own experiences with personal healing
from the Spirit World. There are also some posts
in the section called Robbie's Ramblings, that explore
how a shift in level of consciousness, and ultimately
world view, is the way forward for western culture,
in these challenging times for our planet.



Spirit Canoe Brum Beat

All Of Our Dreams

The Cloud People

Omens & Portents:
     The Dance of the Lizard and the Humming Bird

It's All About the Power


Robbie's Roost

This Should Not Be Happening!

Passwords Are a Part Of Life

Whom Does "We Are One" Include?

A Deeper River



Creating a Ceremony in a Core Shamanic Drumming Circle

A Community Shamanic Ceremony

Shamanism and Sexual Trauma

Spirit Canoe Drumming Circle

Shamanism: We Are Not Alone is an interview
given by Michael Harner, the founder of the Foundation for
Shamanic Studies, in 1997. It describes in a straightforward,
conversational manner, the many kinds of shamanic healing
work that are being practiced today.