Power Soul Retrieval MethodTM
     Aug 3 & 4, 2024            via Zoom Robbie Staufer, Instructor       10.5 FSS CE Credits



Description: Soul loss due to trauma - such as emotional pain and shock, accidents, long term illness, constant stress, overwork and even the loss of connection with nature - is a spiritual illness, recognized by shamans cross-culturally. A missing soul part can be thought of as part of a person's vitality and essence that they can no longer access, leaving them diminished and lacking in power. Soul retrieval is a classic shamanic method in which the practitioner, with the assistance of their helping spirits, journeys to locate and return a missing part of a client's soul.

In this experiential workshop, you will be trained in the core elements of soul retrieval, including:

  • Definitions of the soul and soul loss
  • The importance of spiritual power to effective soul retrieval and exercises to build power and strong relationships with your helping spirits
  • How to find and bring back a lost soul portion for a client
  • Practice with other participants offering and receiving soul retrieval to help restore wholeness, personal vitality, and health

Workshop times are Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 4pm Mountain Time


Note: Participants must be able to successfully journey in the Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds, and have a strong relationship with a Power Animal and/or Teacher from the Upper or Lower Worlds.

1. FSS Basic Workshop, The Way of the Shaman®
OR these FSS online workshops:
1.The Shamanic Journey: Pathway to Knowledge & Power
2. AND Shamanic Divination in Practice
3. AND The Shamanic Worldview: Everything is Alive
4. AND Shamanism, Spirits & Healing.
AND these FSS advanced workshops, either online or in-person:
5. The Shaman as Psychopomp OR the in-person Shamanism, Dying & Beyond.
6. AND Shamanic Extraction Healing Method.


How to Register: Tuition is $240.

Please complete the FSS online registration form, and use Venmo or PayPal for your tuition. Details are below. Next, you'll receive a welcome email from Robbie, with the information you need to participate in the workshop, including a Zoom invitation, and a list of what to bring. PLEASE NOTE: participation by full video is required.

FSS Member Discount: If you are a FSS member, you can receive a $15 member discount. Register at the regular price using the options below. When you complete the FSS registration form, include your FSS member discount code, and you'll receive your $15 refund.

Instructor: This workshop is taught by Robbie Staufer, FSS Faculty Member, who teaches FSS weekend workshops online and in person in Colorado. She is the instructor for the FSS West Coast Two-Week Intensive, and the Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing. She has been studying and practicing shamanism for 24 years.
Robbie offers long-distance healing sessions and house clearings in her private practice, Spirit Canoe Shamanic Healing. During the current public health situation, all healing sessions are being done remotely. Please email Robbie at rstaufer@gmail.com for information.
  More Info: For further information about this workshop, please contact Robbie at rstaufer@gmail.com.

For information about the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and the current workshop calendar, please visit the web site at www.shamanism.org.




First, complete the Registration & Confidentiality Form.

Then use one of the following to pay your tuition:

     Venmo: @Robbie-Staufer     What's it for? "Aug 3&4"

     PayPal: Send Money: rstaufer@gmail.com     Please write: "Aug 3&4"