Application Process


Applying for admission to the Spirit Canoe School of Shamanism is a three-step process. When you have completed the first two steps, Robbie will contact you about completing the third step.

The application deadline for the 2021-22 year is Friday, September 3rd, 2021. Steps 1 and 2 must be completed by then, in order to allow time for step 3. The School of Shamanism First-Year Program begins with the first two-day intensive course on Saturday, September 11, 2021. Please note: these dates may be extended as needed, to allow time to fill the program.

Course Schedule      First Year Program

Step 1:
Download and complete the application for the first year program. If you plan to request financing for your tuition, you will be asked to indicate which payment plan you want to follow.

Applications      First Year Program

Step 2:
Write a one-page essay about your interest in shamanism, including your particular interest in the Spirit Canoe School of Shamanism. You can include details about your sense of calling to study shamanism, either as a personal spiritual practice, or as a shamanic healer. You may also want to include brief descriptions of experiences you have had, which have contributed to your sense of calling. Be assured that anything you include in your essay will be treated with respect and confidentiality. Email your completed application and essay to Robbie at

Step 3:
Once your application is accepted, you will be contacted for an interview with Robbie. The interview will take place via Zoom. During the interview, Robbie will explain more about her vision for the School of Shamanism, and may ask questions that have been prompted by your essay. The interview will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions about Robbie, and about the programs of the School of Shamanism. Robbie will contact you again, when all of the interviews are complete. If at that time, you both agree that the Spirit Canoe School of Shamanism is a good fit for you and vice versa, you will be accepted into the program.